Friday 17 January 2014

My dreams were shattered

The day my dreams were shattered

When I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at age 9, I somehow knew my live will go on - this was not going to stop me.....I couldn't have been more wrong.

High school was hell for me and finally when it was over I chose to go and study for a photographer - but that never happened. the college I chose only had the course in another town (only about an hour away from home). But dad said no way I am moving out - BECAUSE OF MY DIABETES!

And that was the day my dreams were shattered and here I am age 24, still living at home - selling avon and honey from home, no decent job, no drivers licence, no friends, no boyfriend....just shattered dreams - BECAUSE OF DIABETES!

To all the parents of diabetic kids PLEASE don't shatter their dreams - let them go out and live their live. Don't let this disease take away their dreams too.....